Many of our younger children are using technology at home and I would like to encourage parents to be aware of using the privacy settings especially when using social networking sites. There was also a note that went home about 'Fortnite' a game that some of our students are playing, we encourage you to look carefully at this game and find out all the facts about this game.
The Internet is a wonderful place for children to learn and have fun, but there are also dangers, and it is important that children are safe while online. Here at Woori Yallock Primary School we are committed to on-going education about safe and responsible online behaviours and this is best imparted in partnership with parents and guardians. It’s vital that children learn to be safe and responsible for the use of digital technologies including computers, net books, IPAD’s, phones, cameras etc. We would like to encourage parents to work with us and reassure this behaviour at home. When children use the school's internet connection there are several safeguards in place to ensure that inappropriate material is not allowed through, so that the children can enjoy using the internet safely. If your child has access to the internet at home, we strongly advise you to take a look at the link to the ACMA website, which offers advice, information and resources to help you find out more about how to keep your child safe online. The ACMA has a number of education resources for use in schools and at home. Parent Education Websites There are many websites offering tips to help parents manage everyday needs and home concerns. The DET website offers parenting information on children’s development.